Did You Know Stress is Actually Responsible for Hairloss?

High stress may cause some people to lose hair on their heads.

In fact, telogen effluvium, a kind of hair loss, has been scientifically related to considerable emotional stress. What you need to know about this typical form of stress-related hair loss is provided here.

On the adult scalp, there are about 100,000 hair follicles (although this number may vary based on hair color). Every hair follicle alternates between periods of growth and rest. The bulk of these hair follicles is always in the anagen phase of development. The hair is shed when the hair follicle enters the telogen phase, also known as the resting phase. A trigger results in an abrupt, aberrant shift of all the hairs into the telogen phase during an incident of telogen effluvium. What may have caused this abrupt change? It is extreme emotional tension.

What is "serious emotional stress"? Consider a significant, detrimental life event (i.e., the loss of a loved one or divorce). While a single stressful day at work shouldn't qualify, extreme and ongoing stress brought on by the Covid-19 pandemic, for example, would.

Telogen effluvium is associated with a diffuse pattern of hair loss. Widening of the portion line or patchy hair loss are typically signs of other conditions, such as alopecia areata or female pattern hair loss. A thin ponytail or a sudden rise in shed hairs in the shower, on the pillowcase, or all over the house are common symptoms of telogen effluvium. The exact quantity varies depending on the person or hair care routine, but it is usual to lose between 100 and 200 hairs every day. Although telogen effluvium can cause up to 50% of scalp hair to shed, this condition, reassuringly, does not cause complete baldness.

However, there is no need to be scared. Hair loss is temporary, and it can be brought back. Especially if you are in New York, you don’t need to worry at all. In New York City, hair loss therapy techniques are very advanced.

You just need to search the internet using the words “hair loss therapy in NYC”, and you will come across several centers offering services. You can check out the techniques before you take the final call.


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