Things a Good Hair Loss Treatment Doctor will tell you before the Treatment

Looking for doctors in New York to treat hair loss? The best hair loss doctor in New York will conduct a physical examination, inquire about your medical and family histories, and question you about your food and hair care regimen before establishing a diagnosis. In addition, you may wish to undergo the following tests:

Best Hair Loss Doctor in New York
Blood test - By doing so, it is possible to determine whether an infection is causing hair loss.

Pull test - To count the hairs that fall out, your doctor carefully removes a few dozen of them. This aids in identifying the process's stage of shedding.

Scalp biopsy - To study the hair roots under a microscope, your doctor scrapes samples from the skin or from a few hairs pulled from the scalp. This can assist in determining whether hair loss is being caused by an infection.

Light microscopy - Your doctor examines hairs clipped at your temple with a specific tool.

Hair loss can be treated with effective treatments in some cases. The loss of hair may be halted or at least slowed. Hair may recover on its own for a year after other conditions, such as alopecia areata. Surgical and medical treatments are available for treating hair loss.


It is imperative to treat the underlying condition that is causing your hair loss. Your doctor might suggest stopping taking a particular medicine for a few months if that's the reason you're losing hair.

Hair transplant surgery

Only the top of the head is impacted by the most prevalent type of permanent hair loss. Making the most of your remaining hair is possible with a hair transplant or restoration procedure.

Laser therapy

Both men and women can benefit from a low-level laser device as a treatment for hereditary hair loss. It increases hair density, as demonstrated by a few small studies. More research is required to demonstrate long-term effects.

Decide about the best hair loss doctor in NYC after checking the ratings and reviews.


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